Finding the right size of national markings can be a challenge if they aren't included in the kit, and in the case of World War Two Luftwaffe markings often times the swastika is just not there. These new sheets from Siga are aimed purely at fixing this problem. One set provides modern-style US star & bars, while the other two are German-oriented, one having nothing but swastikas and the other a handful of different crosses. Each sheet has several different sizes, covering a wide range of uses. The US sheet ranges from 16 inch to 19 inch in half inch increments and there's a total of four in each size.
The swastika sheet has two styles, one with a black outline and one without. Two of each size are included, and the sizes range from 3 to 10 in half increments, but I'm not sure what the measurement units are. The crosses are also in two sizes, this time with three of each size. These crosses could be used for WW2 armor or perhaps WWI German aircraft and range in half size increments from 4 to 10.5. Again, the actual units used are unknown.
If you're in need of some extra national markings, you'll definitely will want to check these out. Here's hoping that Siga continues with the line and does the same thing with some of the smaller countries that are hard to find.