These latest tools from RB Productions - their Scribe-R and Contour Saw Set - could be considered must-haves for the typical modeler.
First, their saw set. You get five unique saws. Two that are "bent" so you can get into areas you never could before with a saw - like when you want to separate ailerons from wings. The "bent" saws will definitely help you accomplish that. Another saw you receive is not only tapered, but also has teeth facing both ways, so you can cut either by pushing, or by pulling. The other two saws are the "usual" straight saws, but one is more unique. It's very small so you can get into hard-to-reach places with a saw when you need it.
The next tool RB Productions released is a sciber. "Great" you're thinking to yourself, "why do we need another scriber?" Well, this one is different than the rest. First of all, after you build it and fold it (itself something unique) then you can fit it into a "standard" X-Acto (or the like, as long as it has the head with the "cross", or "X") handle. The bending/building is the unique thing. The scriber consisits of two parts, one is bent - and slotted - into the other, before both are added to the handle, which results in an extremely solid scriber. There is no bending or flexing in this tool. When you purchase the scriber, you'll receive three tips. I'm guessing they will dull over time, hence the extras. Unless you do a lot of rescribing of old kits, I'm hoping the three tips will be enough to get you through.
I managed to use both tools so far. I used the tapered, "teeth facing both ways" saw, and like it. However, I wasn't quite use to the taper, so I managed to cut my finger along with the model I was working on. Let me assure you the saw is SHARP! I also used the scriber in re-scribing some of the panel lines on the Master-X Su-5. Unlike some of the other scribers I have used in the past, this one removes the plastic/resin by "curling" it - not by pushing it off to the side where you have to sand that ridge away.
All in all some great modeling tools from RB Productions. The saws I feel are a must, and the Sciber-R is also one worth looking at. I hope to have an article showing how the scribers I have in my possession work, side-by-side, in the near future. So far I own five different scribers...
My thanks to RB Productions for the review tools.