Camouflage & Decals No.1
By Jacob Russell
Authors: Barlomiej Belcarz and Teodor Liviu Morosanu
Publisher: Mushroom Model Publications
ISBN: 978-83-61421-22-1
Binding: Soft cover
Pages: 16
This new book by Mushroom Model Publications (MMP), produced in conjunction with Techmod Decals, is the first release in a new book series from MMP. "Camouflage & Decals No.1" consists of a reference booklet plus a sheet of decals from Techmod. This volume covers three fighter aircraft flown in the Battle of France by Polish pilots. The aircraft are:
Caudron CR. 714, s/n 8584 (I-242), GC 1/145
Morane-Saulnier MS. 406, No. 907 (L-936) DIAP Lyon
Curtiss Hawk H-75A-2, No. 125 (U-025)
The book includes photographs of all three airplanes, plus full color profiles showing the complete camouflage schemes and marking locations, plus Federal Standard (FS) numbers for all of the colors. The decal sheet is available in either 1/48th or 1/32nd scale, and the decal sheet is only available with the book. The decal sheet is of superb quality and includes all of the markings and stencils necessary to complete each aircraft. A nice additional touch is a full color tearsheet which shows available kits by MPM that can be used to model the three aircraft.
If you are a fan of French aircraft-and I count myself among them-then you will love this book and decal sheet. All 3 aircraft are quite attractive and they will make great additions to your collection-provided of course that you build in either 1/48th or 1/32nd scale. This book/decal sheet set is highly recommended, and I would like to thank Mushroom Model Publications for the review sample.