American Military Transport Aircraft Since 1925
By Matt Bittner
American Military Transport Aircraft Since 1925
Author: E.R. Johnson
Publisher: McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-7864-6269-8
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 480
A very long time ago, two books were put out by Lloyd S. Jones; one on US Fighters, the other on US bombers. They were more like encyclopedic references instead of a detailed reference for all types. Each aircraft, either "real" or "imagined" (that is, paper projects) included three-view drawings (although not all to the same scale) and photos if possible.
A couple of years ago, McFarland & Company Inc. Publishers put out a book of United States Naval Aviation that took the same basic format and started post-WW1 and was mainly for just between-the-wars aircraft and their support . This time, McFarland turns their attention to United States transport aircraft, again starting post-WW1 (1925) until the present day. And again, not only do they provide information on operational aircraft, but also experimental aircraft and "paper projects".
The book is broken down into the following sections:
- Series I - 1925 to 1962
- Series II - 1962 to Present
- Series III - Utility and Miscellaneous Transports Since 1962
- Appendix: Military Aircraft Transport Aircraft and Unit Designations, Nomenclature and Abbreviations
- Transport Aircraft
- Air Transport Units
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index
Each section is then further broken down into the service areas: USAAC/USAAF/USAF, US Navy/Marines, and US Coast Guard. Each aircraft type is covered by a three-view drawing (done by Lloyd S. Jones) as well as photographs if warranted. There are no color profiles as this is meant to be an overall-type publication.
While the book is technically not one specifically for modeling, I still highly recommend it because you will find information about aircraft that you never knew about. In addition, it's a quick way to discover information about any potential US transport modeling subject. Plus, if you are looking for a new subject to tackle, you can also use the book to come up with something that not everyone is going to model.
Overall this is a great book and one that will sit well with the old Lloyd S. Jones books as well as the previous McFarland book on US Navy 'tweeners.
My thanks to McFarland & Company Inc. Publishers for sending this book in for review.