Yellow Wings Decals 1/48 Boeing P-26A 1934-35 17th Pursuit Group 34th, 73rd & 95th Pursuit Squadrons
By Gerry Nilles
New from Yellow Wings Decals are a 1/48 scale pre-WWII decal set for the U.S. Army Air Corp 1930s vintage fighter the Boeing P-26A (Peashooter). Printed by Microscale, this is fine quality decal set, that also includes a wealth of detailed information, including painting instruction specifically for the P-26, all color decal placement guides, and a stencil guide for the complete set of stencils that are included for each of the three schemes.
The Decals
Set 48-072 contains pre-WWII (1934-35) markings for three complete and individual 17th Pursuit Group Boeing P-26As. Designed for use with the Academy/Hobbycraft kit, all aircraft have the same basic olive drab fuselage and yellow wing paint scheme. The first scheme is for the 34th Pursuit Squadron "Thunderbirds", who are well known for their distinctive black and white trim. I should note here that all three schemes are for the respective squadron commander's aircraft. The second set of markings, which are red and yellow, is for a "Golden Bears" 73rd Pursuit Squadron Peashooter. The last scheme in the set is a 95th Pursuit Squadron, the "Kicking Mules" P-26A that sports medium blue and yellow trim.
While the decals are beautifully printed and quite colorful, I do have one concern. That is the lack of clear placement info on several of the markings, including the larger outlined aircraft and squadron numbers as well as the very small single A/C number. Judging from the profile drawings, the larger A/C numbers are located on the spine just rear of the headrest/rollover structure. Likewise, the squadron numbers are located on the belly of the aircraft running aft from approximately the rear of the cockpit opening on both the 34th and the 95th PS aircraft, but starting much further back on the 73rd PS aircraft. As for the small A/C number, I have yet to determine where they go.
I am a big fan of between the wars U.S. aircraft. As such, I have used many Yellow-Wings Decal products, with great success. I definitely recommend them. In addition, I want to praise Yellow Wings Decals for their very welcome expansion into 1/48 scale USAAF pre-war markings.
My sincere thanks to Yellow Wings Decals for the review copies they have provided.