Small Stuff 1/144 Tu-134UBL Conversion Set
By Matt Bittner
An unusal design, the Tu-134UBL was developed to provide training for long range pilots, namely bomber crew. The avionics that are in the Tu-134UBL are similiar to the avionics in the Tu-22, Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers. In addition, it has the capability to carry weapons externally.
The first of three conversions through a cooperation between Small Stuff Models and AviaDecals, this Tu-134UBL conversion is one of the easiest. You'll need to remove the kits' nose, the tip of the upper fin, and fill in a number of the side windows. Once those areas are removed from the kit then you'll add the two-piece nose and single-piece upper fin extension.
In addition, the set provides a set of templates so you can replicate the unique side doors of this Tu-134 version, as well as a set of masks for not only wheels and tires, but also the windows that are kept with this version. Since the passenger windows are clear with this kit, these masks are a huge help. Plus, there are masks for the main windscreen as well.
This conversion set will definitely create a conversation piece. There are seven different UBLs catered for on the instruction sheet:
- Tu-134UBL. Russian Air Force. 21 blue, "Angara"
- Tu-134UBL. Russian Air Force. 18 blue, RF-94646, "Baikal" and 24 blue, RF-93936, "Amur"
- Tu-134UBL. Russian Air Force. 17 blue, "Meschera"
- Tu-134UBL. Russian Air Force. 20 blue, RF-12000
- Tu-134UBL. Russian Air Force. 28 red
- Tu-134UBL. Russian Air Force. 28 blue
- Tu-134UBL. Ukraine Air Force. 43 blue
Note that for aircraft five and six, there are separate serial numbers so you can create any aircraft that was finished in those schemes. Decals are really nicely printed, and everything is provided, including stencils.
The instructions are also top-notch. They provide detail steps when applying the decals for each scheme, a separate drawing when applying the stencils, plus very comprehensive instructions when working with the conversion parts and using the provided templates. Follow the instructions and you shouldn't have to worry about figuring anything else out on your own.
This is an excellent release and will probably be my first (of many, for sure) Zvezda 1/144 Tu-134 builds. Couple this conversion with the Small Stuff Detail Set, and you'll have a stunning Tu-134.
Many, many thanks to AviaDecals and Small Stuff Models for sending this conversion set to review.