Peewit Masks
By Matt Bittner
When I first discovered Peewit it was in relation to their 1/144 Uhu masks for the Mark I kit. Given how much that needs to be masked with the kit's canopy I knew this was a set worth tracking down. Thankfully Peewit sent not only that mask set, but three others for review.
One may ask about the advantage to Peewit masks over others. I give two reasons: models not catered for by other manufacturers, and cost. Looking at the Hannants site, the Peewit 1/72 Hurricane Mk.I masks for the new Airfix kit cost 1.66 pounds; the set from Eduard 3.75. Granted, Eduard includes masks for both the wheels and the tires, while Peewit generally doesn't. It appears the material used is almost like that used by Eduard – a low-tack tape that might be able to be used multiple times. Here are the four sets Peewit sent for review:
Looking at current releases it is definitely obvious that Peewit is going to concentrate on providing masks for the “smaller” kit manufacturers. Just because you bought that one kit doesn’t mean you won’t find a mask for it. Hopefully if Peewit doesn’t have it then eventually they will.
Many thanks to Peewit for sending these masks to review. Email them for more information. Note that in the United States you can find these masks at Roll Models.