German Fokker Streaking: 1/48 Decals by Gunsight Graphics
By Rick Geisler
It is my pleasure to introduce a NEW PRODUCT from a NEW company, German Fokker Streaked Camouflage by Gunsight Graphics. For years Lozenge Decals have been available in the standard 4 and 5 color, Naval Hex etc... Fokker streaked finishes have been left to the modeler to develope a technique that looks realistic in scale and captures the look of the original. In many cases this has left the novice, or less daring artist looking at an unbuilt kit of a Fokker Triplane, waiting for the time they feel comfortable attempting the streaks.
Gunsight Graphics has now given the Novice WW1 builder a chance at having an authentic look to their Fokker Streaking, and the Experienced modeler an easier more consistant finish to their triplanes and early DVIIs'.
When I recieved my review sample I couldn't help but notice the similarity to the packaging and instructions from highly missed Americal Gryphon decal line. This is not surprising as the Men, and woman, behind the scenes are dedicated WWI modelers and artists.
The decals, in 1/48th, are laser printed on high quality clear decal stock. Actually it looks more like Photograph paper that happens to contain clear decal film. The streaking provided gives enough variation that no repetition of pattern would or should be evident. Overlays will be possible in order to replicate specific patterns. The color of the streaks seems to me to be spot on, green but not too green,and brownish grey in some lighting.
The type written instructions are clear and contain information relative to the original. Suggstions are made for application and are clear and concise, involving cutting stencils for use in matching angles of streaking and shape of the aircraft. Not included in my test sample, but something promissed for the production run are photos of models built using the product.
The decals are available in 1/72nd, 1/48th and 1/32nd. 1/28th is under consideration.
This is the first of a new line produced by dedicated WW1 enthusiasts. Tested by a devils advocate/ advisor who is also a dedicated WW1 modeler. I am impressed with the iniitial product and look forward to future releases. As the devils advocate would say, HAVE FUN!
The sheets retail for $8.75 plus $2.50 minimum shipping for the 1/72nd and 1/48th sheets, price still to be detemined for the 1/32nd scale offering, payable by check or Money Order from:
Gunsight Graphics
P.O. Box 13355
Arlington TX. 76094
Thanks to Sean Brian Kirby for the review sample.