Brengun 1/144 Steel Containers
By Matt Bittner
One just has to look at images of flight lines to come with unique ideas to add to scale-model dioramas. Brengun has released "Steel Containers" in 1/144 and there are four on the fret.
The first step is folding the main "box" which consists of a floor and the four sides. In fact each side is a duo-fold – you fold in the interior piece first and then fold that assembly up to create a side. Once everything is folded (and you may want to use a straight edge to help with your folds) then you add the separate steel "floor" to the inside of the container. To this assembly you add the four legs, themselves folded 90 degrees to give the distinctive look. Afterwards you turn the container over and add the separate bottom piece.
Once they're all assembled you have four steel containers you can either leave empty, or populate them with whatever you can imagine can go inside.
My thanks to Brengun for sending the containers to review.