Eduard 1/35 Flakvierling Detail Set
By Don Barry
In response to Dragon's new Flakvierling 38, 8 ton halftrack, comes a new photo-etched detail set from Eduard. This has some basic halftrack parts, handles, brackets and such, but most of the set consists of parts to detail the quad 20 mm Flakvierling. There are magazine racks to assemble, delicate flash hiders for the barrels to be rolled into cones, magazine feed chutes, gun sights, elevating gear segments, and firing controls. There are numerous tiny tie-down brackets, switches for the dash, a printed insert to go behind the textured dash board, and lots more goodies to make your model sparkle (before painting, of course). Eduard detail set #36078, Sd.Kfz. 7 engine compartment, is also recommended as a further option for detailing the Flakvierling.
This set exhibits the high standard of quality we have come to expect from Eduard photo-etched products. Eduard products are high grade, reasonably priced items that don't expect you to cut off a lot of perfectly good detail, just to replace it with more good detail. They just supply the bits that should be separate, with more delicate, crisp detail than the plastic kits can provide. This set will further enhance what is already a beautifully designed kit, created a highly detailed model.
My sincere thanks to Eduard for providing this review sample. As a colleague recently said, happy modeling and may you starve the carpet monster.