From Internet Modeler

Academy 1/30 Starcraft Hydralisk

Posted in: Space/Sci Fi
By Michael Benolkin
Jan 1, 2002 - 9:06:11 PM

The Kit

Academy has produced an interesting kit to go with an interesting concept - producing model subjects that previously existed only in computer games (never mind all of the resin Laura Croft figures out there). In this case, the game is Starcraft, which has quite a following on the internet, and the subject is a Hydralisk.

What is a Hydralisk you ask? Well from what I gather (I haven't tried Starcraft), a Hydralisk is a genetically engineered beast created by the two races that oppose the Terrans (us) and is best 'plinked' from great distances. This thing looks like one of the creatures from Alien that has been crossed with a few other nasties. To heck with fighting any of these, just nuke the planet!

The kit is an interesting combination of twelve vinyl pieces for the figure (molded in tan), and ten pieces of injection-molded plastic (red) for the articulating joints. As with any vinyl kit, assembly is with cyano and shouldn't take much time at all. The work will be in the painting of this figure, and if the color example in the instructions is any measure, this kit will turn out an eye-catching subject.


This is a simple build and would be a good kit to occupy a cold winter's day (or any other time, for that matter)! I wouldn't want to meet one though...

My sincere thanks to MRC for this review sample!

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