Poetical Modeling Musings
By Scott Kruize
My memory's sharp enough to not just recognize-but identify with!- that kid sitting at his desk Way Back When. Building - by himself for the first time! - a plastic model kit, gift from his 10th birthday party: Monogram's® B-58 'Hustler', with Authentic Weapons Pod Drop Action!
Would I now try to take to Mr. Peabody's WayBack Machine to tell him of his modeling future? Maybe... not to fill his mind with daunting Major Life Experiences... but I can't see any harm for him to be assured someday he'd belong to modeling clubs. I might stop short of telling him that he'll not only contribute to them, but take posts of Newsletter Editor for two...
Even in 5th grade, he understood that new things are learned in school every day, so would be no more than slightly surprised to hear that at a future community college in English 102 class the prof would have students write poetry. Not particularly good poetry; more to extend familiarity with language. A potential side benefit: some other people might read and perhaps enjoy it...
I can't entirely reconstruct how I got roped into being the Newsletter Editor for the Society of Antique Modelers, our local Chapter 8 here, that meets in Auburn. Nor why I felt compelled to write a little poem about modeling in May, for that first issue... nor why I continued in each following issue.
Oh, well, no point in overanalyzing it. I'm not the Poetical Type that grasps for Deep Metaphorical Significance in the everyday world around us. No: it's just happenstance that I write a little doggerel. Now, for the idle amusement of readers of this column, here they are to date. A regular multimedia presentation: verses illustrated with pictures of my classic Free Flight stick-and-tissue builds for the SAM. Wow! Much like the children's Garden Verses in the book I got in early childhood. Here goes:
Now it's May...as in 'Month Merry'
We look outside and see it's very
Bright and warm and dry and can
with confidence those flights we'll plan!
We'll dust off winders, and wind rubber
Or fire up engines too long dormant
Props then will throw air in torrents
So our builds go up and forward!
Young birdlings will soon fledge and fly
Our builds will join them in the sky!
This June, predicted days are to be drier, and more hot
And this should prod us all to realize that we have got
To move away from building boards, to gather builds, and try
To tune and tweak them best we can, and send them up to fly.
We don't regret the cold and dark and soggy time now past
While at our cluttered building boards, we knew it wouldn't last
So now, Pacific Northwest skies again show their true worth
Above, around us, here it's now the nicest place on Earth!
Our seasons come, our seasons go... each passes, by-and-by
It's time to go outside again, and let our models fly!
July starts with a celebration...Debut of our grand new Nation!
Fireworks get flung above... to make displays we know and love
They burn to bits and vaporize... leaving nothing in the skies.
Afterwards, our planes go there, not near as bright, but linger longer
Compared to fireworks, they're stronger... in their way, for they persist
Though aerial fires cease and desist...
So for the remainder of July, Our planes will dominate the sky...
With only modest wear and tear... Our planes RETURN from in the Air!
So far we see that August will continue our dry spell
Question's whether, in this weather, we can make our planes fly well
My own observation (on this we can agree)
the weather doesn't bother planes
but sure does bother me!
We need make room among our various paraphernalia
For sun hats, water, sunscreen to avoid getting what ails ya....
With polarizing sunglasses, we see safely through the glare
And watch our fine machines climb ever Sunwards, way up there!
Some of us will visit that big 'Contest in Tangent'!
Those who can't will want to hear from anyone who went.
Were records set? Were prizes won? Was the trip worthwhile? Was it fun?
Inquiring Minds sure wish to know... Perhaps next year, we too shall go!
September, kids all put on backpacks, going back to schools...
We wave them off, noting that old modelers have never been OUT!
Our aeronautical success comes only by following the 'Rules'!
Students must learn what we've long known: what Physics is all ABOUT!
Man-made flight is what we modelers have learned.. is - flight-by-flight - over lifetimes! -- hard earned!
October's end forces us to serve as gracious hosts
To porches overrun with monsters, goblins, and small ghosts
What they might think as 'Tricks' set off in us Bad Vibes
Which prompts us to buy candy bags, so we won't run out of bribes
The yearly ritual deprives us all of wads of ready cash
Which normally we'd spend adding to that precious modeling stash
But comfort comes from knowing that these demons have their way
ONLY for one evening... but we model EVERY DAY!
November's when conditions all around here... show us that again, this time of year
Pacific Northwest's Rain Festival resumes, full force...
so it's cold and soggy, like last year, of course...
We scarcely feel like going outside to fly, at all
Preferring much to retreat behind a windproof wall
The contest season's over, which is really just as well
Since now, wealthy guys like me can savor each new smell
Of baking bread, and cookies, cakes - and pizza dough as well!
Our time inside's now long enough to appreciate
The nourishing culinary arts of our domestic mates.
In quiet, well-lit, and well-heated domicile
To sit now, at the building board's especially ideal.
Our tools, glue, and supplies stash are still there
Placed once again within reach of our favorite chair.
Another plan set ready for new-formed balsa pieces
Making, pinning, gluing them is how we find where peace is!
We'll dream of future flights again, someday...
Resumption of more active modeling activity.
But now, especially, we modelers have proclivity
To be thankful for our hobby,
on Thanksgiving Day!
When it's nice in the Pacific Northwest... it's just so nice that it's the best.
Compared to any other places you can name, they just don't measure up;
they're just not the same.
Our December, however, is just not one of these. Even as we still look out at forests of green trees...
We needn't endure endless weeks of Eastern snow and ice,
nor southern storms and hurricanes – where people there yell “Yikes!”
The Pacific Northwest's 'temperate'-ness is easier to log:
we mainly need to note how long and soggy is the sog...
But don't suggest that we should move as you read through this rant...
(Model Skills applied to Xmas decorations!)
Imagining moving elsewhere is just something that we can't!
To stay on Santa's 'Nice' list, this modeler must work
To fix up my wife Sandy's antique decorations
More than that: I add to them; she thinks that's a 'perk'
That ought to fit right in with my workspace machinations!
In keeping with the Season,
we now will cease to whine
think well of us, as you sit down to dine
At seasonal celebrations you're all having where you are,,, note:
ChristmasTime is good for ALL: Here, or near, or far!
So in the New Year, build what you want... the way you want to, and above all, have FUN!