Hasegawa Press Release: February 2013 Releases
By Chris Banyai-Riepl
1/1500 Scale Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia
One ship against the entire galaxy
Captain Harlock pilots the Battleship Arcadia in a fierce resistance to the encroachments of an alien race, the Mazone. His semi-sentient ship is one of the few hopes for survival humanity has left. Pulsar cannons bristle from the sleek green decks, prepared to turn warships into cosmic dust. Grapnel launchers stand ready to fix into prey and bring the Arcadia's lethal blade ram to bear.
• As seen in the popular anime film, "Galaxy Express 999"
• "Creator Works" series
• New tooling
• White, green, brown, clear yellow and black plastic parts
• Bonus 1/1500 scale Galaxy Express 999 model kit
• Display stand parts
Total Parts: 152 Skill Level: 3
Length: 13.2 in (336.5 mm)
Available: Late February
HSGS6505 1/1500 Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia . . . . . . . . . . . .$89.99
1/72 Scale F-4S Phantom II "VF-301 Devil's Disciples"
Giv'em Hell Baby
The "Devil's Disciples" were the first ever air reserve unit to deploy air-to-ground munitions. Their F-4 Phantom IIs set multiple world records for speed, range and altitude during the planes' operational lifetime. Both VF-301 and her sister squadron, VF-302, were deactivated in the post-Cold War troop drawdowns of the nineties.
Limited edition kit with decals for two U.S. Navy squadrons:
VF-301 "Devil's Disciples" Code: ND111, 1983
VF-302 "Stallions" Code: ND200 1983
Total Parts: 162
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS2023 F-4S Phantom II VF-301 "Devil's Disciples" . . . . . . . . .$56.99
1/72 Scale F-14A Tomcat "VF-211 Fighting Checkmates"
That's not Santa...
Like many military units, VF-211 has many traditions. One of those involves painting a rocket-wielding thug (Brutus) in a Santa suit on their planes whenever the group is deployed over Christmas. The F-14A's 14,500 lb (6,600 kg) payload ensures that Brutus delivers explosive presents to all the bad boys and girls. When it comes to explosives, it is much better to give than to receive.
Limited edition kit with new missile launcher, Vulcan cannon and LANTIRN parts
Includes decals for two F-14As from VF-211:
U.S. Navy USS Constellation, CO Code: NG101 Dec.,1997
U.S. Navy USS Constellation, CO Code: NG101,1998
Total Parts: 191
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS2022 F-14A Tomcat "VF-211 Fighting Checkmates" . . . . . . .$64.99
1/72 Scale F-15I Strike Eagle "Ra'am 69th Squadron"
Bringing the hammer down
From its earliest days flying B-17s in 1948, the 69th Squadron has been one of Israel's chief strategic air wings. The nickname of the 69th is "Hammers" and though their aircraft have changed, their objective hasn't: hammer the enemy. The Strike Eagle "Ra'ams" that the squadron operates are American-built all-weather strike fighters capable of delivering an astonishing array of cannon fire, missiles and bombs to targets over an 800 mile (1300 km) combat radius.
• New front side pylon and engine nozzle parts
• Two decal marking options: 1. Israeli A.F. 69th SQ, Code: 235, 250
2. Israeli A.F. 69th SQ, Code: 267
Total Parts: 154
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late March
HSGS2028 1/72 F-15I Strike Eagle "Ra'am 69th Squadron" . . . . .$52.99
1/48 Scale Junkers Ju 87D-3N Stuka "NSGr.2"
Death from a darkened sky
Nachtschlachtgruppe 2 was formed on the Eastern Front during the Russian winter. The squadron's objective was to harass Russian forces by dropping incendiary and fragmentation bombs at night. For these missions, the psychological effect of the Stuka dive bomber was magnified by cold and darkness. Despite the efforts of NSGr.2, the Russians' will did not break. By spring, the war had swung in the Soviets' favor.
Kit Features:
• Metal exhaust pipe and main wing parts
• One decal marking option: Luftwaffe, /NSGr.2, Code: G, Italy, June 1944
Total Parts: 100
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS7323 1/48 Junkers Ju 87D-3N Stuka "NSGr.2" . . . . . . . . . . .$64.99
1/72 Scale Messerschmitt Me262A-1a with W.Gr.21
Fast and fatal
The Messerschmitt Me262A-1a was so fast that it frequently overshot its targets. W.Gr.21 rockets corrected this problem by letting the Germans stand off and fire. These rockets could fly over 1,000 yards (1,000m), allowing the Me262s to stay outside of their enemy's effective range. The rockets carried a 90 lb (40.8 kg) explosive warhead that would shred even the vaunted B-17.
• Limited edition kit with new metal W.Gr. 21 Rocket parts
• Includes decals for two Messerschmitt pilots from JG7:
• Kommandeur Major Rudolf Sinner Code: Green-1 Germany March 1945
• Geschwader Adjutant Hauptmann Erich Mikat Code:Green-3 Germany Feb.,1945
Total Parts: 53
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS2021 Messerschmitt Me262A-1a with W.Gr.21 . . . . . . . . . . .$44.99
1/32 Scale Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2 "Finnish Air Force"
Fighting over the frozen fields of Finland
In the Winter War of 1939-1940, the Soviet Union invaded Finland. As a result, Finland allied itself with Germany against Russia for much of WWII. German-built Messerschmitt Bf 109s gave the vastly outnumbered Finnish Air Forces a fighting chance against the Soviets. Finnish forces shot down eight Soviet planes for every one they lost; these victories helped the Finns keep their independence after the war's end.
Kit Features:
Trop filter
Machine gun panels
Landing gear
Three decal marking options:
1. Finnish A.F. 1/LeLv 34 W.O. I.Juutilainen Yellow 2: MT-222, July 1943
2. Finnish A.F. 2/HLeLv 24 Lt. E. Riihikallio White 3: MT-213, May 1944
3. Finnish A.F. 1/HLeLv 24 Lt. L. Nissinen Yellow 5: MT-225, April 1944
Total Parts: 110
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Now
HSGS8230 1/32 Messerschmitt Bf 109G-2 "Finnish Air Force" . . .$79.99
1/72 Scale Mitsubishi® A6M5a Zero Type 52 KOH
Building on the best
Mitsubishi created the A6M5 Type 0 Model 52 to counter the firepower and speed of the F6F Hellcat and F4U Corsair. Featuring a top speed of 340 mph (540 km/h), the A6M5 could reach an impressive altitude of 26,250 feet (8,000 m) in just 10 minutes. With the model's maneuverability, the high speed A6M5 was a match for most American planes.
Limited edition kit with new metal bomb and bomb rack parts
Decals for two Zeros from the I.J.N. 653rd N.F.G.:
Code: 653-207 Oita A.B. Sept.-Oct. 1944
Code: 653-222 Oita A.B. Sept.-Oct. 1944
Total Parts: 51
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS2019 F-Mitsubishi A6M5a Zero Type 52 KOH . . . . . . . . . . . .$42.99
1/48 Scale Nakajima A6M2-N Type 2 Fighter Seaplane (Rufe) "Yokosuka Flying Group"
From land or sea to the air
Nakajima A6M2s were Zeroes equipped with floats that allowed them to operate from any body of water. The planes' distinctive floats made them vulnerable to Allied fighters. If they could evade Allied air cover, these seaplanes were effective counters to American patrol boats.
• Two Decal Marking Options: 1. I.J.N. Yokosuka F.G., Code: Yo-180, 1942
2. I.J.N. Yokosuka F.G., Code: Yo-181
Total Parts: 84
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS7325 1/48 Nakajima A6M2-N Type 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$49.99
P-51D/K Mustang "Pacific Aces Combo" (Two Kits)
Through the skies to victory
The 348th Fighter Group had some of the most highly distinguished Allied aces of World War II, including a Medal of Honor recipient. In the last year of the war, the group flew P-51 Mustangs and proceeded to drop a record tonnage of bombs on Japanese positions. Their close support was essential in allowing ground forces to take critical objectives and bring the war to a close.
Limited edition two-plane combo with decals for three U.S.A.A.F. planes:
P-51D: 348FG Lt. Col. William D. Dunham "MRS. BONNIE" Aug. 1945
P-51D: 15FG 45FS "67: Stinger VII" Iwo Jima 1945
P-51K: 348FG CO Lt. Col. William T. Banks "SUNSHINE" June 1945
Total Parts: 56 x 2
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS2020 P-51 D/K Mustang "Pacific Aces Combo" . . . . . . . . . .$49.99
1/48 Scale P-400 Airacobra "Shark Teeth"
More bite than a Great White
The P-400 Airacobra was an aggressively armed early war plane. Like many American aircraft, it was heavily armed and armored. Unlike most planes, however, its engine was mounted behind the pilot. This unusual design allowed a 37 mm cannon to be placed in the nose. Though it was slower than most contemporary fighters, the P-400 found its niche in ground-attack missions in the Pacific and on the Eastern Front.
• Two Decal Marking Options:
1. U.S.A.A.F. 8FG 80FS Code: K, New Guinea, 1942
2. U.S.A.A.F. 8FG 80FS Code: F, Late 1942
Total Parts: 122
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS7324 1/48 P-400 Airacobra "Shark Teeth" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$44.99
1/72 Scale BAE Sea Harrier Mk1 (Two Kits)
Harrying and hammering the Argentines
During the Falklands Conflict, the Royal Navy used the Harrier to launch strikes against Argentinian occupation forces. Despite being hugely outnumbered, British Harriers inflicted twenty air-to-air kills on the Argentines and lost only one Harrier to enemy action. The power of the Harrier helped British forces overcome Argentine air superiority and retake the islands in less than three months.
Two limited edition 1/72 Scale BAE Sea Harriers in the kit
Decals for two harriers involved in the Falklands Conflict in 1982:
1. Royal Navy HMS Hermes 899NAS Code: 14
2. Royal Navy HMS Invincible 809NAS Code: 007
Total Parts: 76 x 2
Skill Level: 3
Limited Edition
Available: Late February
HSGS2017 1/72 Scale BAE Sea Harrier Combo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$44.99