OzMods 1/144 Hawk T.1
By Bruce Simard
Before I get into the actual build article, I have to extend several apologies. First, to the Manufacturer, Oz-Mods - and second, to the staff of Internet Modeler. I was sent this model for a build article last year and only now have completed it, no excuses, it is all on me, and I apologize for that folks. (It's definitely bad when it takes me longer to build a 1/144th model, than it takes the manufacturer to build the 1 to 1 scale item!) OK then, so what do we have here? This is a 1/144th scale kit (#14411) from Oz Mods of Australia. To start the manufacturer even puts a subtle warning on the package, "for experienced modelers". So this is definitely not a "shake and bake" model. Having stated that, is it actually buildable or not? After fighting with this one for way too long, the answer is yes. Plus you end up with a unique model that few will take the time to bother with. You will have some filling and fit problems, but that goes along with a small short-run model product. I'm stating this up front so people will not expect this to be a top of the line tamigawa example. But then again, we are supposed to be modelers, right? (Not just assemblers.)Kit
OK then, so what do we get in this kit. Well, the first thing I really noticed was of course the extremely thick sprue attach points. Here you have to be careful, not only in separating but also in sanding. It is very easy to destroy the fit and give youself worse problems if you get carried away with the sanding stick or paper. The canopies (2) are vacuformed, and very usable. Again you have to be careful with separation and sanding to fit, but a good canopy can definitely be the result. I cut mine open to display the interior. The Hawk has a large cockpit area so take your time and put some effort in, it will be well rewarded. Since we're in the cockpit, the seats are jewels to me . Very good quality and details for this scale. After some minor cleanup, but some detailed painting it is ready for installation. OzMods also give us both instrument panels and hoods. Considering the scale, they are very nice, and well worth a little extra time in painting and highlighting. Before closeup, you'll notice the tailpipe is a trap fit in the aft fuselage, this took quite a bit of cleanup to ensure a decent fit.One thing I definitely want to mention at this point is the detailed engraving. The external details on this model are some of the best I've seen, and could rival some 1/72nd scale kits. It is sharp and extremely clean - kudos to you, OzMods! These details really enhance the model and look just right after painting and finishing. If nothing else, you really need to check that out.
Next we get to the wing. This suffers the usual problem of thick trailing edges. While this problem can be solved with sanding, there goes some of that great scribing I was just raving about. The fit of the wing leaves a little to be desired. I'm referring to the usual wing to fuselage gap, on this one definitely needed filling. But again, this is not unusual on short run kits. The landing gear and struts needed quite a bit of clean up. The selection of stores I was quite pleased with, choices of the external fuel tanks, the centerline gun pod, or clean wing. I chose to complete mine with the external fuel tanks, no particular reason.
The gear doors are all way too thick, I replaced these with plastic sheet stock. Which, considering the size, is no big deal, took me all of about 20 minutes and definitely makes the finished product look better. I also replaced the thick pitot tube with a section of brass rod, cut to size.
P.S......How about a PC-9, OzMods ?????