These models are sitting on a common base because they are both marked for the 1st Air Commando Group in the China Burma India theater of operations. Both were entered as Out of the Box models. The Dakota is the 1/144 Minicraft kit while the Waco is an Anigrand resin model. Both were very straightforward builds. I cut open the Dakota personnel hatch because that's how my photos showed it. The Waco kit was lacking a bunch of rigging on wings and tail and I added what I could. I don't think anything I did violated the OOB rules, but it's possible some judges might disagree. They are both painted in ModelMaster Acrylics. The Dakota is faded and lightly weathered while the Waco is much darker since the gliders were uncrated, assembled and used up rather quickly. The basic markings for both models are commercial decals, but the personalization markings are homemade inkjet decals. These 2 models started out as a diorama, but time ran out for Omaha. I have resumed work on the base and figures, and expect to bring the finished product to Orlando. On the other hand, I've never done a diorama before and the finished result could easily end up in a dark closet.