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Here's a few of the twin engined British jet. The Meteor was Britain's first real jet fighter, and it turned out to be a rather successful one at that. Going through lots of different marks, the ones pictured below are two of the most popular: The F.8 and the NF.11. Since there are so many interesting Meteor schemes out there, I am sure that there will be a second part to this series. Probably a part three and four, too. So, if you have some Meteor pictures or notes, please let me know about them!
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The commanders of squadrons for some reason painted their personal planes up prettier than the others. While I cannot understand why they would do this, it sure does lead to some nice looking schemes. This camouflaged Meteor F.8 (WL167) is from No. 601 Squadron, R. Aux. A.F., 'County of London' and features the blue and red stripes of the commander.
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Another commander Meteor, this time an aluminum painted Meteor F.8 (WH374) of No. 63 Squadron. The tail seems to have been a popular place to spruce up, with the black and yellow checks matching those on the fuselage.
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Here's a Meteor F.8 from a country that was never really known for painting their planes up*. This Meteor is from an unknown squadron in Israel, and could actually be a static display plane. It is difficult to find uncensored photos of Israeli fighters from this period, and when you do, you almost have to think that the plane is in a museum somewhere, instead of a front line fighter.
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"We Own The Night." Well, maybe not yet, but they are well on their way. This Meteor NF.11 is from No. 68 Squadron from Laarbruch, Germany. Finished in the standard camouflage pattern for night fighters of gray and green, the drab colors are offset by the black triangles outlined in yellow on a white rectangle.
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Another Meteor NF.11, this time from No. 29 Squadron out of Acklington sometime during 1957. Note the difference in the noses between these two night fighters. The one above has a black nose, while the one from No. 68 Squadron has a dark brown nose.