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| Here's something for all you wingless aviation fanatics. These pictures are from the Skycrane currently flying with Evergreen out of McMinnville, Oregon. Wasn't it awfully nice of the manufacturer to put all the engine and plumbing on the outside of the helicopter? Almost as if they didn't want their helicopter modeled.... | Here is an overall view of the left side. The color is a basic bright green (sorry, I forgot the FS book), with white lettering and band. The slight rotor droop is readily apparent in this view. |  | Overall view of the right side. |  | Close up of the center section on the left side. Lots of plumbing visible here. Also visible is the clear rear section of the cockpit. |  | A nice shot from the rear showing some detail of the engine, transmission, and rotor hub, as well as the rear of the cockpit housing. Also of note is the large bubble window on the left hand side for downward visibility, plumbing on the landing gear legs, and the cargo net underneath. No smooth skin on this bird, with lots and lots of rivets visible. |  | A close up of the rotor hub and other assorted bits and pieces. This is an enhanced blow up of the above picture. |  | A shot of the rear showing the tail rotor assembly and the drive train path. Even this part isn't covered up. I don't know if this was how it came off the assembly line or if Evergreen just decided to leave off the covers for ease of maintenance. If it was designed this way, it sure seems like it would be more vulnerable to ground fire. |  |
If you have any photos that
you would like to have put up here, please e-mail
me with more information. Thanks! |