Classic Kit #2 Revell 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109E The Messershmitt Bf-109 has to be the most widely produced kit of all time, with over 40 kits in 1/72 scale alone. I can't think of a single kit manufacturer that doesn't have a Bf109 in its catalog, at least at some point. This month's classic kit focuses on one of these earlier attempts, the Revell 1/72 Bf-109E. With the painting on the box, you could tell that you were in for a great model. Pink skies, blue planes, and action abound. It probably took all of two seconds for a kid to decide to buy this one, and as soon as his 70¢ left his pocket, he was out the door.  On getting home, what did he find inside? Well, there are 29 parts, including the clear canopy. A pilot figure that looks decidedly inhuman sits inside a cockpit that attaches to the wing. The propeller is made to spin, as are the wheels. Of course, there is the usual flash, but that is easily snapped off when you start gluing everything together. The kit featured a great combination of small detail bits and easy assembly, so if you just wanted to throw the thing together and fly it off the local bridge, you were out maybe a half hour. But if you wanted to make a halfway decent replica of the Bf-109E, the ability was there, too.  This combination between kid's toy and quality model can be seen in the instructions, where actual F.S. numbers are given in the painting scheme (with a note saying that the FS 595 is available for ONLY $2.25!). The decals also included the swastika, but the instructions do not show them, and in fact make note that their absence from the instruction sheet is for European sales. So, is it an accurate Bf-109E? Sort of. Without getting out the ruler, and just looking at it, I would say that, yes, it does look like a Bf-109E. For its time, I am sure that it was the most accurate kit available, and for less than a dollar, it was bound to be popular with both the avid modeler and the beginner. | 