"A Cold Day"
A C-124 from McChord AFB waits in the cold.

Well, it's the beginning of a new year, and we're starting it out a bit slow. Thanks to the holiday season, this edition is both late and a bit light. I've added another section to the site. This one deals with reviews of aviation books, both new and old. For those who prefer stovepipes, we have added a new author to our folds with Denny Peltier's great article on building F-86s. On the history front, we have a great piece on the Martin Maryland. The second part of the Hungarian Falcos brings out a combination of drab camouflage with bright national markings.

Next month I will be reworking the site and changing the layout. To make better use of space, I am thinking of increasing the viewing resolution to be optimized for 800x600 or greater. Please let me know if this is a good idea or not, and if you have any other ideas, I would love to hear them.

Thank you for visiting Aviation What-Not! Be sure to come back, and tell all your friends about us, too. If you would like to write an article for Aviation What-Not, I would love to put it up. Email it to me and we'll fit it in.

A new author gives us a look at the Boeing P-26 in Guatemala.

Falco in Hungary
Part 2 of this colorful bird in the Hungarian Air Force.