BarracudaCals 1/72 F4U-1 Corsair, Part 1 Decals
By Matt Bittner
BarracudaCals second, new release in 1/72 is for the F4U-1 Corsair. There are four aircraft catered for on this decal sheet:- F4U or FG-1D, "Mad Cossack", VMF-512, finished overall in Glossy Sea Blue
- F4U-1D, "PalpitatinPauli", VMF-441, finished overall in Glossy Sea Blue
- FG-1D, Yellow FF75, VMF-352, overall Glossy Sea Blue
- F4U-1 Birdcage, "VIVA!", VMF-124, Blue Gray over Light Gray
- F4U-1 Birdcage, "Tojo Eats Sh*t", Blue Gray over Light Gray, but extremely dirty.
The decals are in register, nicely printed and look great. You receive two of the same decal sheet because it was more economical to do this then to produce another sheet of just stars-and-bars. Buy yourself another sheet of national insignia and you can easily build the same aircraft, twice!
The great thing about this decal sheet is these are subjects that haven't been catered for before. So if you're looking for a different, and unique way to mark your Tamiya (or other) Corsair, then by all means pick up this sheet.
My thanks to BarracudaCals for allowing me to review this excellent decal sheet.