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OzMods 1/144 BAe Hawk T.1

OzMods 1/144 BAe Hawk T.1

By Matt Bittner


According to Wikipedia, the BAe Hawk first flew in 1974 and is used not only as an advanced trainer, but also as a low-cost combat aircraft. It's been sold to 18 customers around the world.

The Kit

The latest release from Oz Mods is another excellent small-scale example of the BAE Hawk T.1. It consists of 32 plastic injected pieces (a couple are extra, like pitot tubes and wing pylons). Also included are two vac canopies, again with one being an extra "just in case". All companies that provide vac canopies should supply two, in my opinion. More times than not I've cut and/or sanded one just a little to far and having the extra is a nice touch.

There are decals for two schemes: a Swiss one and an RAF one (naturally). Decals are nicely printed and in register. The Swiss scheme is white and red, while the RAF is the standard Dark Green and Dark Sea Gray in a wrap-around camouflage pattern.

There isn't much to assembly. Glue the seats and instrument panels to the cockpit floor, add it and the exhaust to one fuselage half then glue the fuselage halves together. I'm unsure if any nose weight will be needed as it's not called for in the instructions. I would add a little just to be sure. Now add the inlets and tail pieces to the fuselage then glue the wing to it as well. I would leave off the landing gear and stores until the end, though. Be aware you'll need to cut the landing gear doors in pieces if you plan on displaying the model with the gear down.


This is a very nice kit that will look like a BAe Hawk when finished. It's great kit and should build up relatively quickly.

Thanks to OzMods for this awesome kit.