Hobby Boss 1/72 Mi-8T Hip-c
I have no history on the Mi-8 series of helicopters (anyone can Google
the type) I will say there are two types of Hobby Boss kits. The "easy
type" which includes the MiG-3, Yak-3, P-40B/C, etc., and their more
"mainstream" kits which include the Mi-8/17 series of helicopters.
The "easy types" consist of very few parts and construction
is relatively easy. The more mainstream type is the type of kit most of
us are more used to. Usually with the easy types the fuselage is one piece
as is the wing. The mainstream type builds as a "normal kit"
with more detail and plenty more parts.
The Kit
Hobby Boss (now referred to as HB) Mi-8T consists of 78 grey, injected
pieces and 14 injected clear. Parts are very well done and parts protection
is one thing HB is concerned about. The mounting-ends of the main rotor
blades are covered with bubble wrap to keep these ends from breaking in
the box. Nice!.
There are decals for two schemes: "Yellow 09" of the Russian
Air Force in a sand/green over blue scheme; and an Mi-8T of the German
Army Rescue Group, no. 93-09. Decals are very nice and in register.
However, there's a caveat. Out of the box the kit can not be completed
as an Mi-8T. Out of the box the kit is an Mi-8MT (which is also how HB
release the kit for a second time). In order to correctly model an Mi-8T
you'll need the recently released Pavla correction piece (for the engine
area on top of the fuselage) as well as be sure the tail rotor is mounted
to starboard.
of the kit naturally starts with the interior. There is plenty here for
closing everything up, but plenty of room for those who want to superdetail
to go to town. Along with the Mi-8T correction piece, Pavla has also released
three other sets, one for the exterior (landing gear and horizontal tail
pieces), one for the main cabin, and the last set includes troop seats
for the cargo area. Hopefully Internet Modeler will have these in the
future for review.
Once all the interior is finished then everything can be assembled to
make a helicopter. However, I would leave off the rotors until the final
step. That way you're not in fear of breaking any of these off.
in all this is an awesome kit, even if it doesn't make an Mi-8T out of
the box. From everything I've read on-line this is the most accurate Mi-8
in any scale. I personally will couple the kit with the Eduard
masks to make my painting life easier. In addition, the first one
I build will probably be the Mi-8T with the Pavla correction.
I've also heard that Ciro and Heliborne might also be working on pieces
and parts to make this kit a stunning model. They both already have pieces
out for the KP kit so making them fit the HB kit shouldn't be too difficult. |