MRC/Academy 1/48 CH/HH-46D Sea Knight
The history of the development of the Boeing/Vertol CH-46 has been covered
extensively in earlier issues of IM. These history reviews were done at
the time of both the first look and build review of the previous two versions
of the MRC/Academy Sea Knight kit. To say the least this venerable tandem
rotor helicopter has seen a lot of military service.
The “D” model was the first version to be produced in quantity.
The “D” differed from the later model mainly “E”
in that it had slightly different engine housings and smaller wheel sponsons.
Primarily used by the US Navy for vertical replenishment, search and rescue,
and cargo and personnel transport the “D” model is still in
The Kit:
noted above two previous version of this kit have been reviewed extensively
in the “First Look” column of earlier issues of IM. Likewise
a build report on the first release of this kit has also been done. Therefore
doing a third “First Look” seems a bit redundant at least
as far as previous parts go. What is worth reviewing are the few new parts
that take this kit back to “D” and the new markings for various
Navy and Marine units.
to say the new parts that backdate this CH-46 into a “D” model
are comparable to the excellent quality that is becoming the hallmark
of MRC/Academy. The “D” engine housing look to be right on
as far as accuracy of shape goes. This also is the case with the new and
smaller wheel sponsons assemblies which is characteristic of the earlier
“D” model.
high point to this latest iteration of the Sea Knight is the colorful
decal sheet. The kit comes with four different schemes.
The first, and the subject of the box art, is a CH-46D HC-11 “GUNBEARERS”
Det-2 off of the USS Camden circa 2003.
The second is for an engine gray and red Navy HH-46D out of NAS Point
third scheme is an all engine gray Navy CH-46D HC-8 “Dragon Whales”
Det-2 from NAS Norfolk.
The last scheme is an engine gray and red Marine HH-46A from SOMS Kaneohe
Bay circa 1982.
The decals themselves are of excellent color, registration and thickness.
MRC/Academy latest version of the Sea Knight is outstanding, as are
the markings. Personally this version has always been my favorite. Without
a doubt it is the more colorful of the two US versions available.
Many thanks to MRC/Academy for supplying this sample kit.