JAS Jottings
The Quarterly Magazine Of The Japanese Aviation Special Interest
Group of IPMS-UK
Vol. 11, No. 3, August 2005
Another issue of this fine journal signifies that another three months
have passed. The lead article features two late war Japanese "paper airplanes";
the JAAF's Kawasaki Ki 119 (no name) and the JNAF's Kawanishi J6K1 Jimpu
(Squall). The Ki 119 got as far as the mock-up stage and the Jimpu not
quite that far, before both projects were terminated by Boeing B-29s.
Part 2 of JNAF Transport Aircraft Evolution is here, along with Part
4 of Japanese Civil Airlines and Part 15 of Japanese Aero-Engines, 1930-45.
As usual, an editorial and kit, book, and decal reviews complete the make
up of the issue. The color pages feature three photos of one of the five,
or so, two-seat Zeros converted in the field for long range reconnaissance
from Rabaul in 1944 and restored in the mid seventies in Melbourne. A
color photo of the editor's 1/48 scale model of this plane is also included.
An addition to this issue is a membership list showing the SIG currently
has 90 members worldwide.
Contact the SIG-Master, Peter
Starkings, regarding membership in this SIG.