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Al's Kit Corner

AMT 'Jr. Trophy Series' '60 Chevy Wagon, kit no. 04-740-100

By Al Superczynski

Most of AMT's early kits were little more than dealer promotional models in kit form but with added optional 'customizing' and 'racing' parts. Those early kits could easily be assembled in their factory stock versions without any glue so it was natural for AMT to market some of them as 'snap' kits to appeal to younger builders. This Chevy Nomad station wagon was one of the Jr. Trophy Series kits released in 1960, a concept that was continued with the later Craftsman and Motor City Stocker series.

Strangely enough, this was the only time the '60 wagon was available in kit form. It was issued in a number of different colors but there was no way to tell which one you were getting until you opened the box, and for some reason the kit has inaccurate Impala-style triple taillights while its promo cousin featured the correct twin lights. Luckily The Modelhaus has the correct part available in plated resin and that's what I'll use if this ever actually hits my workbench.

Construction really *will* be a snap! There's not much to the kit as it's strictly a curbside model with a one-piece chassis, no engine, and a basic interior bucket with separate dash and steering wheel. The glass is all one piece, the front bumper and grille are also one piece with molded-in headlight lenses, and the rear bumper and taillight panel are likewise one piece with molded-in lenses. The kit also includes a nice set of vinyl thin-line whitewall tires and one-piece wheelcovers and wheels, all to be mounted on sturdy metal axles for maximum play value!

Optional parts include a pair of spotlights, an outside rearview mirror, and a roof antenna but if these are left off their mounting holes will have to be either ignored or filled in. There's even a cute stuffed animal mascot to place anywhere in the voluminous interior but he'll have to be glued in for safety's sake, and a trophy (natch!) to be displayed with the completed car. There's also a decal sheet that oddly enough is carried over from the '59 Junior Series - maybe AMT was using up excess stock.

This is a highly-desired collectible kit but is readily available on eBay providing one is willing to part with a significant amount of bucks. Mine is in good shape, suffering only from a bad tire burn on the hood which should be easy to repair since it's in a relatively flat area. I'm toying with the idea of making a detailed model out of this by cannibalizing an AMT '59 El Camino pickup - the chassis may not be 100% accurate for a stock 1960 wagon but since I'd be building a modified street machine anyway it wouldn't really matter. Because this is the only '60 Chevy wagon kit likely to ever be made barring an unexpected reissue it would be better to get this (or its promo cousin) sooner rather than later if you want one, before prices go even higher...

Until next month, "Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to" (and I don't want to build this one!), have fun, and be sure to visit Al's Place while you're surfing the 'Net!