JAS Jottings
The Quarterly Magazine of Japanese Aviation SIG/IPMS-UK
The featured type for this issue is the Yokosuka D4Y Susei (Comet);
McCoy code name - "Judy". Peter Starkings, the SIG Master, gives us the
full story on Judy from the IJN's first notice of its inspiration, the
Heinkel He.118 V-1 in 1935, through all the design and model number changes
to the end of the war when Judy's were ignominiously used as suicide bombers.
there is also a review of all 14 (!) Fine Molds' releases of Judy kits
in 1:48 scale and of Fujimi's four releases in 1:72 scale. The Fujimi
kits are hard to find these days so perhaps it is time for the east European
firms to release some 1/72nd Judys. (?)
Japanese Aero Engines, 1930-45 continues with Part (12), JNAF Trainer
Evolution continues with Part 2, there's a page and a half on JAAF camouflage
on their Fiat B.R. 20 bombers and a half page on Raiden "Jack" tail codes.
An editorial and features on kits, accessories, books, transfers (decals),
magazines, videos complete the contents of this 36 page issue of a very
scholarly journal, which is rounded off with four pages in full color
of current JASDF airplanes.
Contact Peter Starkings
for information on joining. He accepts US dollar checks to make it easy
for us.