A Plethora of Transavia
Boeing 737-800s

By Chris Banyai-Riepl



Transavia has been flying the Boeing 737 for quite some time, starting with the 737-200. Their latest fleet of 737-800s has carried some interesting variations, from leases to lotteries. Here are several of these interesting examples. Most of these are available as decals from Draw Decal.

This is the standard Transavia livery, as seen on PH-HZV.

This example, PH-HZE, features large billboard titles advertising the Transavia website.

Here's PH-HZS, with large 'Staatsloterij' (state lottery) titles and winglets.

PH-HZU, also with winglets, has a different style of lottery titles.

Finally, we have PH-HZV again, this time as a leased aircraft to Sun Country.

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