Skyways The Journal of The Airplane 1920-1940: No. 63 July 2002 The title says it all. This is the "Golden age" of aviation - airplanes with round engines and propellers; airplanes with character and personality; not flying computers with stovepipes. This issue's feature airplane is the Curtiss-Wright CW-22/SNC-1 Falcon military trainer. This is the first part of a two part feature. It is followed by a typical Cockpits photo survey. Other subjects include: Mercury Aerobat & Bauman B-100 My Life in Aviation, Part 1 Racing Notebook - 1934 Pan American Races ID UK From the Members Waco Cootie Reproduction Curtiss-Wright 22 Falcon, Part 1 Cockpits - Curtiss-Wright NC-1 Navy Trainer Models Reproductions and Restorations Skyways Topic Index, Issues 51 to 60 Events Wants & Disposals Skyways Reviews The Racing Notebook feature appealed most to me. This one covers the 1934 Pan-American Races in New Orleans February 14-18. Race results are presented in a two page tabulation. 14 B&W photos show some of the racers. One, that I had never seen, shows Jimmy Wedell's No. 45 with retractable landing gear. He set a speed record of 302.036 mph at this event with this airplane. The editorial of this issue embarrassingly, for those of us Boeingite av history buffs living in the Puget Sound area, focuses on the ditching of the 307 Stratoliner Clipper Flying Cloud in Seattle's Elliott Bay after, apparently, running out of fuel. Oh woe! Subscriptions cost $35 per year (USA); write to: World War 1 Aero, Inc. Skyways 15 Crescent Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 USA |         |