Messerschmitt Me 262A Schwalbe Yellow Series By Robert Peczkowski Mushroom Model Publications, 2002 ISBN 83-916327-3-3 Softbound, 96 Pages £9.99 The Me 262 has a significant place in history as the first operational jet fighter and that means that there will be no shortage of books written about it. This latest title from Mushroom Modeling offers something a little different from the usual books on the Me 262, though. Rather than repeat the history of the plane (which has been covered quite extensively in many other books), this book instead provides a detailed outline of the variant differences in both scale drawings and photos. Both the fighter and fighter-bomber variants are covered, as well as the reconnaissance variants, but only the single-seaters are in this book. Following the variant brief is an excellent color photo section. This section takes you on a walkaround of several museum Me 262s, both restored and unrestored. Virtually no area is uncovered, making this an outstanding reference for the superdetailing modeler. The final section provides over thirty color profile illustrations, all of which are very well done. While many are of planes that have been seen before, there are several that are new to me and are very interesting. The downside to this is that I now have to buy myself a few more Revell Me 262s. This is a timely release given the recent appearance of the new Tamiya 1/48 Me 262 kit and the wealth of information crammed into its pages. While you may already have one or two Me 262 references, this book will make a nice addition for the concise type reference and great color section. Available from Mushroom Modeling direct (36 Ver Road, Redbourn, Herts AL3 7PE, UK) for £11 shipping included (UK/Europe only) or from Squadron in the US. |         |