Decals' 1/144 Jet Blue Airbus A320 #4
Jet Blue is a fairly new airline in the United States and I believe
this is the first decal sheet for their A320s. MASP has several different
sheets out for the Jet Blue aircraft, with this sheet providing the markings
for either 'Estrela Azul' (N535JB) or 'Bada Bing Bada Blue'
(N534JB). The reason for the separate sheets for different aircraft in
the fleet is due to the fact that there are different styles of tail markings.
This sheet has the dark blue tail with light blue grid lines.
The decals are very well printed and appear to be done on a laser printer.
This means that you will need to make sure that the undercoat for these
decals is white, otherwise some discoloration will occur. This is implied
in the instructions but not precisely mentioned. Other parts of the Jet
Blue livery include blue nacelles and a blue belly, for which you will
have to mix your paint to match the blue on the tail decal. With the thin
light blue cheatline separating
the dark blue belly from the white upper section and the decals requiring
a white undercoating, this decal set will be a bit more challenging to
apply than most. A complete set of window decals as well as some stencilling
is also included.
Overall this is an excellent sheet for the nice Revell kit. If you've
got an extra two or three kits lying around (and who doesn't!), this would
be a fun project to work on with an attractive end result.
