Japanese Naval Aviation Uniforms and Equipment 1937-45 Elite 86 By Gary Nila Colour Plates by Bill Younghusband Osprey Publishing Ltd, 2002 ISBN 1-84176-465-5 64 pages, softbound Reviewed by John Prigent This book is a "must" for anyone interested in the IJN’s air arm. Gary Nila is a collector of Japanese uniforms and equipment, and here he gives a very complete description of the clothing and equipment of WW2 Japanese naval aviators. The book starts with a quick look at the Japanese "regnal name" calendar and how to relate it to Western anno domini reckoning, giving a table with all the Showa years and their Western equivalents. Next comes all the clothing and equipment – flying helmets, gloves, boots, flight suits, goggles, parachutes, you name it and its here. And that’s not all! Flight watches and aircraft clocks, flight computers, earphones and microphones, even swords and pistols are included – plus, of course, rank and specialty badges. All of them are described and so are the changes between successive types, and profusely illustrated with contemporary photographs showing the items in service as well as modern ones of preserved pieces. For good measure Bill Younghusband’s plats show the badges in full colour and, a new departure for Osprey, there are no fewer than 23 colour photographs (instead of plates) showing preserved clothing and flight gear on living models. Whether you’re a figure modeller or an aircraft modeller wanting to show your pilots or groundcrew properly dressed, you can’t afford to miss this book. Very highly recommended! |        |