Unlimited 1/144 SAS ‘Paper Airplane’ MD-82s
Minicraft has recently re-released their nice MD-80 kit in standard
SAS markings, but for those of you who want to have something a bit more
colorful, check this sheet out. This sheet is for one of a pair of MD-82s
painted up in special colors. A total of two planes were painted up,
one red and one blue, with lots of white airplanes painted randomly along
the fuselage. In addition to the standard SAS markings this sheet comes
with all of these airplanes as separate small decals, except those that
cross the window line. Those are integrated with the window decal, making
for a rather large and long decal. The instructions suggest that for
those who aren’t comfortable with handling such a large decal to cut it
apart at an appropriate place and apply it in two pieces.
addition to the rather obvious markings, this sheet also includes a fairly
comprehensive collection of stenciling for the planes, including some
interesting wing markings outboard of the overwing exit markings denoting
the electric heater system. Much attention to detail is apparent in this
sheet, down to the white aircraft names, the Star Alliance logos, and
even the different sized SAS logos for the tail.
The only problem I can see with this sheet is the same one that Liveries
Unlimited has with their 737-800 Sterling Airways sheet and their 707
Braniff International sheet: you’re forced to choose ONE of the color
schemes. Being indecisive, I’ll just get another MD-80 kit and a second
copy of this sheet: problem solved! With the recent SAS MD-80 release
this sheet will provide interesting contrast to the standard livery and
I hope we’ll see more great MD-80 family sheets from Liveries Unlimited
in the future. Hey, how about a nice MD-90 sheet in the new Saudi Arabian
