The Quarterly Magazine of the Japanese Aviation SIG of IPMS-UK
Vol. 8, No. 2, May 2002
Editor/publisher/chief cook/ bottle washer and general dog's-body, Peter
Starkings has issued another outstanding number of this journal. The
current 34 page issue includes two pages of color profiles of IJN planes
of the 1930's by Japanese airplane expert Peter Fearis. The contents
also include:
JNAF Reconnaissance Seaplanes Evolution, Pt. 1
A Performance Comparison of Allied & Japanese Fighter Aircraft
1941-2, Pt.1
JAAF Reconnaissance Aircraft Evolution, Pt. 2
Japanese Aero Engines 1910-1945, Pt. 3
Kit Comments
Book Briefing
Tailpiece, Hong Kong Comment
List of Members
Color Profiles, IJN Aircraft of the 1930's
The performance comparison article features all the specifications relevant
to performance for the Oscar 1, Zeke 21, Zeke 32, Hurricane IIb, P-36C,
Buffalo I, P-39D, F4F-4, P-40B and P-40E. The P-40B was the fastest -
352 mph; the Oscar I the slowest - 308 mph. The Zeke 21 had the greatest
range - 1,186 miles; the Hurricane IIb the least - 465 miles. The Oscar
I had the lowest wing loading - 14.7 pounds per square foot and the P-39D
the highest - 26.9 pounds per square foot. Quite an interesting article.
Part 3 of Mike Goodwin's article on Japanese engines is of especial
interest to me because it covers Kawasaki, I spent two weeks at their
Akashi plant on my first ever foreign trip in 1966. Some of the old timers
there told me about the January 1945 bombing by Boeing B-29's, which
essentially destroyed the place. The plant was rebuilt to do repair and
overhaul work on USAAF jet engines during the Korean War. My mission,
on that memorable trip, was to qualify Kawasaki as the Asian overhaul
agent for Boeing model 502/T-50 gas turbine engines for JASDF, JMSDF,
USN and the various airlines that used those small engines. reading the
article brought back pleasant memories of Akashi, Himeji, Kobe, Osaka,
Nara and Kyoto. Thanks Mike.
JASIG membership for one year is US $13. US dollar checks are accepted
with no added charges. Contact Peter Starkings for detailed information.
IPMS membership is recommended but is not required.
