Classic Airframes 1/48 Savoia Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero
The Savoia Marchetti SM.79 is probably the most recognizable aircraft
to serve in the Italian Air Force during World War II. While it was officially
named 'Sparviero' (Sparrow Hawk), it was also known as the 'Gobbo' (Hunchback)
due to its unique silhouette. Its designers followed the same design philosophy
as other international civil aircraft designers of the era including Junkers
and Ford - three engines provide a good balance between performance and
Originally designed as a civil transport, the SM.79-I set records in
international competitions during the mid-1930s. The SM.79-I was powered
by three 750 hp Alfa Romeo engines. In the late 1930s, the Italian Air
Force began receiving the SM.79-II powered by three 1,000 hp Piaggio P.XI
RC.40 engines. One additional domestic variant was produced - the SM-79-III
that was essentially an SM.79-II with a forward-firing 20mm cannon and
no ventral gondola. Over 1,300 Sparvieros were produced through 1944.
The SM.79 was used as a bomber and transport during the Italian alliance
with Nazi Germany, but it gained its 'fame' as a torpedo bomber in the
Mediterranean. The Sparviero was responsible for sinking several Royal
Navy destroyers and the heavy damaging a battleship and the aircraft carriers
Indomitable, Victorious and Eagle.
The Kit
Who would have ever thought that we'd ever see an injection-molded kit
of the Sparviero in 1/48 scale? Thankfully someone did, and that is none
other than Classic Airframes, continuing to produce kit subjects that
are overlooked by other model manufacturers.
The kit is comprised of 55 medium gray injection-molded styrene parts,
11 injection-molded clear styrene parts, and 60 beautifully cast resin
parts. The instructions also indicate that a fret of photo-etched parts
are also provided for throttles, control levers, antennas and miscellaneous
with all of the latest Classic Airframes kit releases, the styrene parts
are crisply cast with finely scribed details and very little residual
flash. Furthermore, you'll notice a significant number of ejector pin
marks on the molding trees as they've taken great pains to minimize ejector
pin marks on the kit parts. There are very few ejector pin marks in visible
places and these are raised, not sunken, making clean-up very simple.
You will have to likewise remove other ejector pin marks that are not
going to be visible in order to assemble the kit, but these are also easily
dealt with.
When you look at the instructions, you'll be amazed at all of the detail
that goes into the cockpit area, including the gunners position at the
rear of the hunchback. If you model the aircraft buttoned up, you'll have
a hard time seeing much of this detail, but thankfully there are parts
provided to pose the accordion hatch at the rear of the hunchback open,
allowing visibility into all of that detail!
of this kit is very straightforward. As with all limited run kits, you'll
need to dry-fit and sand each of the subassemblies to ensure a good tight
fit, but no special skills will be required if you're experienced with
assembling multimedia (plastic, resin and photo-etch) kits. If your patience
and skills are limited to Tamiya and Hasegawa out-of-the-box projects,
then you'll probably want to stash one of these on your shelf for the
day when you've acquired a wider range of modeling skills.
In addition to the open accordion hatch option at the rear of the cockpit,
parts are also provided for a beautifully done main cabin door. A separate
plastic main cabin door is provided along with a photo-etched boarding
step assembly for the inside of the door.
are provided for three different examples:
'Falci Delle Baleari' of 10 Sqn, 8 Stormo operating out of Majorca
Spain during the Spanish Civil War (illustrated on the box art)
'Sorci Verdi' of 285 Sqn, 30 Gruppo, also out of Majorca Spain during
the Spanish Civil War
193 Sqn (Electric Man), 87 Gruppo, 30 Stormo stationed in Siciliy
in 1940-41
The decals are beautifully printed and in register.
This is yet another beautiful kit from Classic Airframes! The details
and assembly layouts appear to provide a very straightforward build. If
there was any question as to which scheme I'd be painting this aircraft,
that went away when my wife spotted the box art - the chicken laying the
egg emblem of 10 Sqn/8 Stormo. This kit is definitely recommended!
My sincere thanks to Classic Airframes for this review sample!
