
By Lorna Jenkins


Hang around enough modellers in either clubs, mailing lists or just your "net friends" and sooner or later along comes the following topic of discussion; modelling and the reactions of the wives or partners. There are usually the funny stories about why the wife can't understand the need for more and more kits; the pack-ratting of any useful plastic, wire or jars; the growing piles of reference material - the list goes on. Inevitably someone comes up with "I'd love to have a partner who shared my interest in modelling".

Take my advice - stop thinking about it and build a model instead! Otherwise you have to get used to the following:

  • Your tools (especially your tweezers!) seem to have a life of their own and somehow always end up on your partner's model bench.

  • Brushes are even worse as common sense suggests you get two sets - but somehow "oh, your brush was easier to find" (???)

  • You actually end up buying less models even though the model stash is growing as you have to share the modelling budget.

  • The same applies to references and for the reference that you both use, get used to the idea that you'll never be able to find the book you are looking for as your partner was last seen with it...

  • Paint. If one of you prefers acrylics and the other enamels ... you can work it out can't you?

  • The temptation to fix something on the other person's model in an effort to help ... this is worse than going through my handbag as far as I'm concerned!

  • The "Do as I say, not as I do" syndrome. I can't think why a man should want to offer advice to a woman who knows full well he didn't take his own advice, at a time when she has a very sharp blade in her hand.....

Don't wish for participation, you might just get it.

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