Monogram U.S. Navy Blue Angels, PA29-98 Well, I cranked up my way back machine again last night and out popped this really cool kit! It's a four-model set of long nosed Grumman F11F-1 Tigers with Blue Angels decals in 1/100 scale. Until they switched to the F-18 Hornet this was the aircraft used longest by the Angels. The kit consists of four airplanes molded in Navy blue plastic, each with four parts (upper fuselage with wings and stabs, lower fuselage, vertical fin, and a pilot/seat) plus a clear canopy. Surface detail is finely recessed but a bit indistinct in some areas. There's no landing gear and the fuselage is completely hollow from the intakes to the exhaust - not surprising at all for the era. It would be a simple matter to open the gear wells, scratchbuild some simple landing gear, add cockpit detail, and blank off the intakes and exhaust.   The three-piece stand is an important part of this kit and luckily is a very attractive and functional design with a nice nameplate decal for the base. My kit is cleanly molded with no flash or sink marks. The decal sheet is comprehensive and looks to be usable although I have no idea how opaque the yellow is. The instructions are more than adequate for a model this simple. There are basic painting instructions but no guidance on matching the yellow of the decals on the wing, stab, and tail tips.   This is a really nice kit that hasn't seen the light of day since the 1970s and would make a great reissue project for Revell-Monogram, along with the equally as nice and even more impressive 1/240 scale Airpower set. Small scale aficionados with a chance to pick this up at a swap meet or on eBay should *not* pass up the chance. Highly recommended! See you all again next month. Till then, model on and "Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." Be sure to visit Al's Place while you're surfing the 'Net! |           |