Nakajima Ki-43 "Oscar" Hayabusa

Aero Detail #29
Dainippon Kaiga Co., Ltd. ©2000
ISBN  4-499-22735-6
Softbound, 72 Pages

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

If you haven't seen an Aero Detail book, the basic premise is to find restored examples of the subject around the world and photograph them from all angles.  This book is no different, although it wasn't easy finding surviving Ki-43 examples.  The Model I Hayabusa comes from New Zealand and was a part of The Alpine Fighter Collection.  This is a very rare plane as it is the only known Ki-43 Type I in existance.  This plane has undergone a very thorough restoration and is technically in flyable condition.  The Model  II Otsu Hayabusa illustrated in the book is from the EAA Aviation Center in Wisconsin and is the example originally stored at the Garber facility.  This is one of the examples brought to the US for testing and is actually a conglomeration from several Model II Hayabusas.  The restoration on this one wasn't very thorough, mainly consisting of a new coat of paint on the outside and new markings.  The differences between the two restorations makes itself apparent as the book walks you through the Ki-43.

The book starts with the nose and this is one area that is very different between the Model I and Model II.  From there the book moves slowly aft, doing an excellent job of outlining the similarities and differences between the two planes while also providing the modeler with plenty of information to superdetail your model.  At the end of the book there are a few color profiles, some detail sketches, and some nicely done scale drawings.  If you have any of the previous Aero Details, you know what to expect from this book (and probably already have one on the way!), but if you're new to this series, don't hesitate to get this title if you're looking for Hayabusa references.

This book is available from Roll Models for $27.75.

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