Hawker Typhoon : Part 2 Bubbletops | | Introduction The classic WW2 RAF ground attack fighter was the Hawker Typhoon, with its combination of 20mm cannons and .5" rockets it was deadly to any enemy armour that came its way. The first Typhoons were fitted with a car-door style of entrance which made a hasty exit difficult, on top of which these early Typhoons were plagued with engine troubles. This was to give them a bad reputation among pilots that was never entirely overcome. However the later bubbletop Typhoons were to build an enviable reputation in strength and were a welcome sight to Allied forces on the ground whenever a 'cab rank' was overhead to provide cover Hawker Typhoon MK.IB MN946 No.198 Sqn RAF June 1944 TP-Y is seen in typical D-Day markings with invasion stripes around the entire fuselage. Note these partially cover the serial number. Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB RB205 W/Cdr FG Grant No.143 Wing RCAF Late 1944 During August 1944 (if not sooner), the invasion stripes had been painted out on uppersurfaces and wings, however they still remained under the fuselage on many aircraft. As a mark of his rank, Grant was entitled to paint his initials on his aircraft. Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB RB451 No.266 Sqn RAF April 1945 ZH-Y is an interesting example of how something always goes against the rule, in this case it is the shade of green for the uppersurface camouflage. Wing roundels were now of Type C, or in many cases C1 with a yellow surround to them. Many units also added colourful paint to their spinners, although they were soon ordered to paint them in black or a camouflage colour. Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB PD608 No.439 Sqn RCAF Early 1945 5V-G shows all the markings one expects to find if directions are followed: Type C/C1 roundels, no fuselage band, repainted spinner. Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB RB382 No.184 Sqn RAF July 1945 With the end of the war in Europe, many units adopted colourful markings for their aircraft. In this case white with thin red trim. Hawker Typhoon Mk.IB SW417 No.245 Sqn RAF July 1945 However for sheer colour, No.245 wins with their checkerboard markings and blue spinner. . This is also the combination seen in the venerable Monogram 1/48 kit. References: -
Fighting Colours: RAF Fighter Camouflage and Markings 1937-1975: MJF Bowyer -
Typhoon and Tempest In Action: Scutts / Greer /Sewell and Manley -
the Typhoon File: Thomas | |