Choroszy Modelbud 1/72nd Ansaldo SVA 5 | | History The Ansaldo SVA 5 (S for Savoja, V for Verduzio (the designers) and A for Ansaldo) was one of the first indigenous Italian designs. It was originally conceived in mid-1916, but didn't see production until 1917. Its initial flights gave promising performance, but like all things military, politics entered the fray, and Ansaldo was told to concentrate on floatplanes only. However, after Ansaldo's insistence, 100 SVA 5s were produced. Unfortunately, due to some limitations, the plane was never accepted as a front line fighter. These limitations were a low rate of fire, excessive distance of guns from the cockpit, limited maneuverability, and poor visibility due to the high engine cowl. Be that as it may, the SVA 5 still saw favor as a reconnaissance and light bomber aircraft. The most famous sortie the aircraft participated in was the Vienna raid where numerous leaflets were dropped on Vienna written in Italian and German inciting the people to revolt. The Kit The Choroszy Modelbud SVA 5 consists of 74 resin pieces as well as a flat piece of clear plastic, to be use for the windscreen. Detailing overall is exquisite, and the only thing one will need with this kit is seatbelts. The kit is complete in every other way. Decals are provided for two schemes, one a machine from the 87a Squadriglia, the other being a Polish machine. The decal sheet appears to be one Choroszy Modelbud provides for all their SVAs - not only the 5, but the 9 and 10 as well, so there are extra decals. The interior detailing is exceptional, even including molded on cockpit sidewall detail. There are a few air holes to contend with, but nothing serious. The one area most model manufacturers miss with the SVA 5 is the shape of the forward nose. Comparing the kit to drawings and photos, it appears that Choroszy Modelbud has represented this area perfectly. Everything else scales out wonderfully. Unfortunately a couple of the struts in my kit were short-shot, so replacements will be needed. Other than that, though, this kit is a work of art. Conclusion This is an exceptional kit, and Choroszy is to be commended for getting the shapes right. Even with a couple of air holes I can find no fault with this kit and I recommended it highly. Right now it is the best, most accurate 1/72nd SVA 5 yet made. |            |