The 2001 IPMS/USA Convention in Chicago appears to be another great
success. The convention opened its doors on Wednesday, July 4th at the
Hyatt Regency Hotel across the street from the Rosemont Convention Center,
site of the famous RCHTA hobby show. One huge ballroom was dedicated
to the contest area while two other large rooms served as the vendor rooms.
Additional meeting rooms were also available for the special clinics and
seminars that were scheduled throughout the weekend.
As with every IPMS/USA National Convention, for these few days each
year, the largest hobby shop on the planet opens its doors to the convention
attendees and visitors. This year was no exception. There was an impressive
array of vendors and offerings catering to the interests of just about
every modeling interest.
Since I didn't have any models entered into this year's contest, my
wife and I bailed out of Chicago early Saturday. As such, you'll have
to wait for other reports to see who won in the contest. But this early
exit allows me to share two things with you:
