OzMods 1/144 F-86 Sabre

By Bob Pearson


The North American F-86 is one of the true classics of aviation and (in the words of some of our other reviewers who had no idea what to say about a subject) needs no introduction. OzMods second injected release is a companion to their earlier MiG-15 and is of the F-86.

The Kit

The kit comes packaged in a small baggy and consists of two sprues of dark green plastic. Panel lines are nicely done, and if slightly overscale, they will look great under a coat of paint. A basic interior is provided and there are four vacformed canopies to allow a few botched attempts at getting it right.

Decals are provided for a USAF and an RAF example, with the address where RAAF decals may be found included in the instructions. The instructions are printed on the card to which the baggy is stapled and consists of exploded views of all parts used in the kit. The documentation is rounded out with a card showing both decal options


The OzMods F-86 looks to be a welcome companion to the MiG-15UTI and should be a fun diversion from larger models. It retails for $13.75 Aus (+$3 postage in Australia, or $7 AUS overseas. Their address is

OzMods Australian Models
PO Box 1083
Gailes, QLD 4300

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