The Eduard booth contained the usual display case of beautiful build-up examples from their current product lines, including their kits, photo-etched details, and their growing line of paint masks.
On center stage was a stunning build-up of the first in their Airacobra series. They will be releasing (by the time you read this) the P-400 Airacobra, followed by the P-39D and P-39Q variants. You can see a review of the P-400 Airacobra elsewhere in this issue.
Their paint mask line has grown tremendously and we'll be taking a closer look at these items in the near future.
on display were examples from their ever-growing line of photo-etched
details. What was newsworthy here was the announcement of a new series
in photo-etched details. This series will supply pre-painted parts,
ready for installation on your project. These include properly colored
seatbelts/harnesses, instrument panels, etc.
I, for one, have been a big fan of Eduard cockpit detail sets. No other manufacturer has provided both the photo etched panel AND acetate instruments that perfectly align with that panel. In the past, it was merely a matter of painting the face of the instrument panel the appropriate color, painting the back of the acetate white to bring out the instrument face details, and sandwich the two together.
With this new series, the panels will already be pre-colored, and the acetate, oh brother! The example they had on display was multi-colored to bring out the different face colors and markings of modern aircraft instruments, colored instrument arc ranges, etc.
If Eduard's previous line of details made a major difference to the fidelity of your cockpit, all I can say is stand back! There is a new standard of excellence in town...