Aircraft Pictorial 3: OS2U Kingfisher
By Matt Bittner
Author: Dana Bell
Publisher: Classic Warships Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9823583-4-4
Binding: Softcover
The third book in Classic Warship's Aircraft Pictorial line is on the OS2U Kingfisher, an important pre-war and wartime aircraft. While there have been other books on the type, there hasn't been anything like this, providing the level of detail this book does.
Starting out with a general history of the type, the book quickly moves into showing photos. Lost of photos. In fact, this book has not only photos of aircraft on the ground and in flight, but there are also a lot of detail photos. Photos of the engine. Photos of the cockpits. Close up photos of the bomb racks and bomb release. Lots of photos. Oh, and color photos. Plenty of those, too.
If you plan on building any of the Kingfisher models (Monogram/Revell in 1/48; Airfix or Pavla/Octopus (if it can still be found) in 1/72) then this book is a must. If you're looking for a book that covers the type not only in detail but also an overall history, this book is a must. However, if you're looking for a book of color profiles for modeling, then you'll need more than just this book. There are generic color profiles on how all the insignia, roundels, serial numbers, etc. was all layed out for all types - in general - there just aren't any profiles for specific airframes. Personally I don't think it's a problem because this book sets out what it was meant to do - be a "go-to" reference for wanting to know about the aircraft and all the details pertaining to it.
If you're interested in the Kingfisher, buy this book. If you're interested in US Navy aviation, buy this book. Show Classic Warships these types of publications are important so they will release more.
Huge thanks to Classic Warships for the book to review.