Yellow-Wings Decals 1/72 Multi-Aircraft Series #1
By Matt Bittner
Yellow-Wings Decals is trying something new in 1/72. Instead of releasing a decal sheet catering to a single-subject aircraft, they're now releasing a decal sheet containing more than one specific aircraft. For their first release - Multi-Aircraft Series #1 - the subjects contained within are:
- Douglas TBD-1 Devastator (VT-6), USS Enterprise (CV-6) 1940 (finished with an aluminum fuselage and yellow-orange wing and horizontal tail tops, with a blue fin and rudder)
- Curtiss P-36A Hawk, 77th Pursuit Squadron (PS), Squadron Commander's Aircraft, Moffet Field, California (finished overall in natural metal with a red cowl and fuselage stripes)
- Douglas SBD-1 Dauntless, USMC VMB-2 San Diego, 1940 (finished with an aluminum fuselage and yellow-orange wing and horizontal tail tops, with a green cowl and fuselage stripe)
- Grumman F3F-1, USN VF-7, USS Wasp, 1940 (finished with an aluminum fuselage and yellow-orange wing tops with an overall black tail, red cowl and red fuselage stripe)
The decals appear to be in register and are nicely printed, especially since they're printed by Microscale.
One thing Yellow-Wings hope to do with this series is cater to the short-run and/or resin kits. This first release contains the F3F-1 which was done by MPM/Special Hobby. The rest of the subject matter kits are called out for on the instructions, except for the SBD-1. I know Hasegawa does the later versions, but I'm unsure if anyone caters for the SBD-1 - nor do I know what the differences is between the -1 and the later marks. Hopefully creating an SBD-1 from one of the other kits, like Hasegawa, isn't a difficult endeavor.
In any event, I like the direction Yellow-Wings is taking. This way instead of having extra decals for one specific aircraft type, you have decals that can be applied to other models easily. Usually with one-type-decals you only receive enough national and common markings to be used on either one or two kits. Yellow-Wings provide enough decals for all four aircraft.
I truly hope Yellow-Wings does well with this new way of producing decals.
Thank you to Yellow-Wings Decals for supplying the review set.