Yellow-Wings Decals 1/32 P-26
By Matt Bittner
I've decided to lump all three of these together since they're for the same kit and they arrived at the same time. Yellow-Wings continues keeping those who build US between-the-war aircraft (I call them 'tweeners) happy, and this time they cater for the 1/32 Hasegawa P-26 Peashooter. Each set of decals comes with a cardboard, color header that shows the port side of the aircraft being catered to. Each set also contains four pages of instructions, three of those pages printed on both sides of the paper. The first sheet is general decal placement instructions along with instructions for that particular airframe in text on both sides of the paper. The second sheet consists of a color, port-fuselage side profile along with a bottom/top split drawing showing decal placement and a front-view of the aircraft on the front side, with the back side showing the placement of stencils on the P-26 wings. The third sheet's front side contains a drawing showing the port side of the fuselage stencils, while the other side of the sheet shows the starboard. Finally, the last sheet has a color call-out for everything on that particular aircraft in text, along with the correct size of insignia and bands.
Sheet 32-022, Boeing P-26A, 1934-35, 17th Pursuit Group, 34th Pursuit Squadron
Sheet 32-033, Boeing P-26A, 1934-35, 17th Pursuit Group, 73rd Pursuit Squadron
Sheet 32-035, Boeing P-26A, 1934-35, 17th Pursuit Group, 95th Pursuit Squadron
All decal sheets are very nicely printed and in register. These are up to the usual high standards associate with Yellow-Wings and are definitely recommended. If you're looking for alternate markings for your 1/32 Hasegawa P-26A then track down these from Yellow-Wings Decals.
Our thanks to Yellow-Wings Decals for the review sets.