RetroWings 1/144 Miniwing T-28 Engine Cowling
By Matt Bittner
The Miniwing 1/144 T-28s are really nice kits but with only one flaw. The cowling is a mix of a T-28A and the later, larger cowling found on later versions of this aircraft.
The Resin
The RetroWings 1/144 Miniwing T-28 Engine Cowling consists of just one piece, that of the forward part of the fuselage with the cowl and engine molded in-situ. With this correction piece you'll need to remove the forward part of the kit's fuselage, using the kit's panel line that sits between the windscreen and the rear of the exhuast panels. Then you just add this one-piece resin to the completed kit.
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A little bit of plastic surgery before you have a better-represented cowl and engine on your 1/144 T-28 kit. The detail is outstanding on this piece so it will definitely enhance your later-model T-28 kit. Couple it with RetroWing's T-28 replacement cockpit and you'll have a top-notch model. I'm unsure, though, of what needs to be changed to the kit's cowl to make it a more accurate T-28A. Time for some internet searching.
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I definitely thank RetrokiT for supplying the review piece.