RetroWings 1/144 F-15 Feathered Exhaust Nozzles
By Matt Bittner
It appears that in order to cut down on weight, and because the parts were also disrupting air-flow, the "turkey feathers" were removed from the exhaust nozzles of F-15s. It appears this started to happen in the early 1980s, so if you're building an F-15 before then you would need the exhaust nozzles with the "feathers".
And this is where this set of aftermarket from RetroWings comes in to play. If you're building a 1/144 F-15 that flew before the feathers were officially removed from the exhaust nozzles, then you'll need to pick up this set from RetroWings. It easily backdates any F-15 to before that time. Since these are direct replacements for any 1/144 F-15 the conversion couldn't be simpler.
A definite "thank you" to RetrokiT for supplying us with these review nozzles.