Radial Engines & Wheels 1/72 Bristol Pegasus, Walter Pegasus, Alfa Romeo 126/128 Engine
By Matt Bittner
There is an extremely long list of aircraft types this engine from Radial Engines & Wheels can be used on. Some examples include the Hawker Hart and Osprey, the Letov S-328, the P.Z.L. Pegaz and the Fiat G.12 (for a more exhaustive list, definitely visit Radial Engines & Wheels page on this engine type). So, if you're currently building one of these types of aircraft, you'll definitely want to pick one of these up.
The engine is one-piece and the instructions show you how to add your own wire for the spark plug leads. Once added, and once everything is painted and weathered, this engine will look awesome, and will be a great addition to your model.
We definitley thank Radial Engines & Wheels for the review Bristol.