Modelcar Danhausen 1/43rd 1959 DKW Junior
In the spring of 1959, The DKW Junior was introduced as an economy priced
competitor to the Volkswagen Beetle. Auto Union (the parent company of
both Audi and DKW) hoped that the Junior would capture a large share of
the “starter car” market. This was not to be the case. The
Junior was not a bad car by any measure. It was well built, reliable,
economical, and could carry four adults from point A to point B in reasonable
comfort, in a reasonable amount of time. The problem was the 750cc, 34
horsepower two stroke engine. In the immediate post war years, West German
drivers had embraced the two stroke engine for its reliability and mechanical
simplicity. By 1959, the same drivers demanded the smoother running four
stroke engines and regarded two strokes as noisy and smelly. Despite a
substantial advertising campaign touting the Junior’s refinements
(especially the engine), sales were respectable, but disappointing. The
1961 model had its engine displacement increased to 800cc. In a final
gasp, 1963 saw the Junior re-badged as the Audi F-12 and given a 900cc
engine and slightly longer wheelbase. That same year, Volkswagen AG absorbed
Auto Union, and the Junior soon passed into automotive oblivion.
Forty five years on, surviving Juniors have a pampered
life thanks to a devoted cadre of enthusiasts. A surprising number of
these cars can be seen throughout the world, in pristine running order
and appreciated more today than in their own time.
Modelcar Danhausen was an eclectic line of 1/43rd scale
white metal model cars sold by Spielwaren Danhausen (Danhausen Toys) of
Aachen Germany. Owners Hans and Paul Lang were quick to recognize that
the die cast car market was no longer the sole realm of children, but
was becoming increasingly popular among adults. The Langs added a large
line of die cast models, and were one of the earliest businesses to offer
mail order services to collectors around the world. In 1975, the Modelcar
Danhausen line was introduced, featuring both European and American subjects
in kit form and finished models. Most were mastered by the firm of Tin
Wizard (who still offers their own line of limited run collector car models
Although Danhausen was highly successful, personal and
professional conflicts between the brothers escalated. By 1987, after
numerous lawsuits and countersuits, both Hans and Paul Lang went their
separate ways. Modelcar Danhausen was no more. Today, Paul Lang produces
both the Paul's Model Art and Minichamps line of die cast cars. Hans Lang
owns his own hobby shop.
What’s in the box? First of all you'll find there
isn't one. Instead, you get a styrofoam tray with cut-outs for the individual
parts and a clear plastic lid. The white metal parts are well cast. My
example had no pits, but there was some flash. A few of the fine details,
such as the turn signals and door handles are a little soft, but the body
scripts are sharp and readable. With the exception of the body and grill,
the rest of the kit appears to be made up of generic parts. The interior
is a one piece affair with bench front and rear seats (not very practical
for a two door car). The dashboard and steering wheel also have little
resemblance to the actual car. Finally, there is a vacuformed one piece
insert for the windshield and windows. Although this model is around thirty
years old, the plastic was neither brittle nor discolored. There are no
instructions provided, but as there are ten parts in total (not counting
the wheels and tires); they won’t be missed.
White metal is quite soft, which is both a blessing
and curse. Some of the parts had acquired bends and warpage somewhere
along the line. These flaws were corrected by g-e-n-t-l-y bending the
offending part back into true. Use too much élan in this process
and you will be sorry! The next job was cleanup. The same set of jewelers'
files I use on plastic models cleaned up the flash and smoothed out the
rough spots on the Junior. The body was given a light wet sanding with
600 grit sandpaper, then shot with Tamiya White Primer. The body was then
rubbed down with successively finer grades of sandpaper. The interior
shell was painted with Tamiya Grey Primer. The roof was masked off and
the body and dashboard shot with Model Master Enamel Pale Green. After
the paint had dried for about a week, I picked out details using Italian
Red and Tangerine (!) Model Master enamels, along with Chrome Bare Metal
Foil. The gloss coat came via the modelers' friend: Future Floor Wax.
After several coats, the finish was polished using the Micro Mesh system,
then given a final rub down with McGuire’s #10 Plastic Polish.
Although all parts are designed to be held in place
by a single machine screw in the bottom of the chassis, for final assembly
I elected to cement everything in place with J&B Weld two part epoxy.
This turned out to be far less of a disaster than I had feared, and with
a little care and patience everything ended up in its’ proper place
with hardly a bad word uttered.
First off, this build was a hoot. It was quick and dirty,
warts and all. The kit dimensions are accurate, and at the end of the
day it looks like a DKW Junior. I approached this project as a vintage
kit build, straight from the box with nothing added or meddled with. For
me, this kit represents the birth of the limited run, niche market model.
If you want a DKW Junior in your collection, and are obsessed with counting
each and every rivet, this kit is probably not your cup of tea (there
are alternatives from Revell Germany and the Minichamps line). But, if
you really want to kick it old school, the Modelcar Danhauser DKW Junior
is STILL available from Tin Wizard at (Usual disclaimers;
not affiliated with this company, et al ad nauseum).
Siuru, William: Illustrated Micro and Mini Car Buyers
Guide, Motorbooks International 1995, pgs 48 – 50.