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Print Scale 1/72 MiG-21 Decals #72009

Print Scale 1/72 MiG-21 Decals #72009

By Matt Bittner

This is another great decal release from Print Scale. It covers the following aircraft (and I quote the instruction sheet):

  • "In 1974 on the eve of Day of Komsomol on aircraft factory No.21 in Gorkiy transfer of six (on number of awards VLKSM) MiG-21 SM to pilots of 234-th Guards Proskurov Red Banner hordes took place Kutuzov and Alexander Nevskogo IAP it. Lenin Komsomol of 9-th IAD aircraft MBO. Onboard numbers of three machines – 09, 18 and 19 are known." Finished in overall Natural Metal Finish (NMF). This one may be a typo, as it also appears for aircraft number 4 on the instruction sheet, and this one has "40" as its aircraft number.

  • "MiG-21bis 115th GIAP, squadron 'Moscow', air base Kokajdy. End of 70th ears." (I think that last word should be "years".) Finished in Sand Yellow, Dark Green, Brown and Black Green on the top, and Sky on the bottom.

  • "MiG-21bis, 115th GIAP, squadron Sovetskaya Litva". End of 70th ears." (Again, I think that should be "years".) Finished in Sand Yellow and Dark Green on top, with Sky undersides.

  • "In 1974 on the eve of Day of Komsomol on aircraft factory No.21 in Gorkiy transfer of six (on number of awards VLKSM) MiG-21 SM to pilots of 234-th Guards Proskurov Red Banner hordes took place Kutuzov and Alexander Nevskogo IAP it. Lenin Komsomol of 9-th IAD aircraft MBO. Onboard numbers of three machines – 09, 18 and 19 are known." Finished in overall Natural Metal Finish (NMF).

  • "MiG-21 SM Fishbed-K t/n 17 from 1stSq of 18th Vitebsk Guard fighter-bomber regiment of 303 Composite AD. !st Air Army. Gaiyonki airbase, 1985." (I think it should be 1st Air Army and not !st Air Army.) Another camouflaged bird in Sand Yellow, Dark Green, Brown and Black Green on top, with Sky underneath.

  • "Syrian Air Force MiG-21 Mfs suffered severe losses to the Israel Defense Force/Air Force F-15s and F-16s in combat over the Bekaa valley in Lebanon." Sand Yellow, Dark Green and Medium Grey uppers with Sky lowers.

  • "MiG-21?? The Air Forces of India. By the plane marks about victories in the conflict to Pakistan in 1971 are put." Overall NMF.

  • "This natural metal ViG-21 (sic) SMT Fishbed K of Soviet Frontal Aviation unit carries the Excellent Aircraft award on the nose in red." Overall NMF.

  • "This early MiG-21 F-13 Fishbed C was demonstrated at Tushino Airfield during the 1961 Aviation Day air show." Overall NMF.

  • "A desert camouflaged MiG-21MF Fishbed J of the Iraqi Air force. MiG-21s, paired with low flying Mirage F-1s, were responsible for several kills against Iranian F-14s during the Persian Gulf War." Sand Yellow and Brown uppers with Sky for the underside.

  • "MiG-21MF from structure of 135th figners an aviabshelf (sic) of aviation group of the limited contingent of the Soviet armies in Egypt. Benn-Suejf air base, 1970. The plane bears 490 litre PTB and four UR with IK GSN P-3C." This aircraft is finished in Sand Yellow and Dark Green on the upper side, and Sky on the under side.

  • "The MiG-21 F-13 is built in China as the Xian Jjnjiji 7 (Fighting aircraft 7) and is known in the West as the F-7. The first Chinese built MiG-21 flew on January 1965." Overall NMF finish on this one.

  • "Red 57, an early production Fishbed C of a Soviet Air Defense Regiment." Another finished in overall NMF.

  • "The MiG-21PFV Ds of the North Vietnames (sic) Air Force were specially modified to withstand the tropical Vietnamese climate." Overall NMF.

  • "Late in the Vietnam war, the North Vietnamese Air Force began to camouflage their MiG-21 PFV Fishbed fs to make them harder to spot by American aircraft." This one is overall Light Grey with a Yellow Olive mottling. I can't tell if the undersides are NMF or Light Grey.

As with the MiG-17 sheet, these instructions suffer from the lack of an overhead profile, especially on the camouflaged aircraft. You'll probably have to perform some more research on the camo'ed machines.

There's a pretty decent array of different MiG-21s on this sheet which is nice. The Revell F-13 kit is awesome, as is the Zvezda bis. Some of the others MiG-21 types are catered for by Bilek and Condor.

Decals are in register and nicely printed. Recommended if you don't mind performing some research.

My thanks for Print Scale for the review decals. Note that you can buy these decals through Linden Hill Imports.